| Index Entry | | Section |
. | | |
| .close : | | close command |
| .doc : | | doc command |
| .editor : | | editor command |
| .exit : | | exit command |
| .file : | | file command |
| .info : | | info command |
| .ios : | | ios command |
| .load: | | Pickles |
| .load : | | load command |
| .mem : | | mem command |
| .nbd : | | nbd command |
| .pokerc: | | Invoking poke |
| .pokerc: | | Dumping File Contents |
| .pokerc: | | pokerc |
| .proc : | | proc command |
| .quit : | | quit command |
| .set : | | set command |
| .source : | | source command |
| .sub : | | sub command |
| .vm : | | vm command |
: | | |
| : : | | Conditional Expression |
? | | |
| ? : | | Conditional Expression |
@ | | |
| @ : | | The Map Operator |
^ | | |
| ^L : | | Vertical separator |
_ | | |
| __FILE__ : | | __LINE__ and __FILE__ |
| __LINE__ : | | __LINE__ and __FILE__ |
A | | |
| addition: | | Offset Operations |
| alignment: | | Padding and Alignment |
| AND: | | Bitwise Operators |
| any, the any type: | | type |
| any, the any type: | | The any Type |
| arguments: | | Commands and Dot-Commands |
| arguments: | | Optional Arguments |
| arithmetic: | | Arithmetic Operators |
| array functions: | | Array Functions |
| arrays: | | Arrays |
| arrays, trimming: | | Modifying SBM Images |
| ASCII: | | Character Sets |
| assert : | | assert |
| assignment: | | Assignments |
| atoi : | | atoi |
| attributes, array attributes: | | Array Attributes |
| attributes, function attributes: | | Function Attributes |
| attributes, integer attributes: | | Integer Attributes |
| attributes, offset: | | Offset Attributes |
| attributes, string attributes: | | String Attributes |
| attributes, struct attributes: | | Struct Attributes |
B | | |
| base, argument in atoi : | | atoi |
| big endian: | | Big and Little Endians |
| binary: | | Integer Literals |
| binary: | | printf |
| binary files: | | Binary Files |
| bitsize: | | Integer Literals |
| bitwise operators: | | Bitwise Operators |
| boolean operators: | | Boolean Operators |
| boolean values: | | Booleans |
| break : | | while |
| break : | | for-in |
| break : | | try-until |
C | | |
| calling, function calls: | | Calling Functions |
| casting, integration, integrate, arrays: | | Casting Arrays |
| casts: | | Negative Integers |
| casts: | | Casting Integers |
| casts: | | Casting Offsets |
| catos : | | catos |
| character: | | Character Sets |
| character set: | | Character Sets |
| character, locating in a string: | | strchr |
| characters: | | Characters |
| checksum: | | CRC Functions |
| close : | | close |
| closures: | | Array Types |
| coercions: | | Poking a SBM Image |
| command files: | | Command Files |
| commands: | | Commands and Dot-Commands |
| commands, customizing: | | Dumping File Contents |
| commands, passing arguments: | | Dumping File Contents |
| comments: | | Comments |
| comparing, arrays: | | Array Comparison |
| comparing, structs: | | Struct Comparison |
| comparison: | | Relational Operators |
| complement: | | Bitwise Operators |
| compound statements: | | Compound Statements |
| concatenation, bitwise: | | Bitwise Operators |
| concatenation, strings: | | String Concatenation |
| conditional expressions: | | Conditional Expression |
| conditional statements: | | if-else |
| constraints: | | Field Constraints |
| constructing, arrays: | | Array Constructors |
| continue : | | while |
| continue : | | for-in |
| conversion functions: | | Conversion Functions |
| conversions: | | Poking a SBM Image |
| converting, arrays to strings: | | catos |
| converting, strings to arrays: | | stoca |
| converting, strings to integers: | | atoi |
| copy : | | copy |
| CRC: | | CRC Functions |
D | | |
| date: | | Dates and Times |
| decimal: | | Integer Literals |
| decimal: | | printf |
| declarations, function declarations: | | Function Declarations |
| deflate: | | Offsets and Sizes |
| digits separator: | | Integer Literals |
| disassembler: | | .vm disassemble |
| division: | | Offset Operations |
| doc: | | doc command |
| dot-commands: | | Commands and Dot-Commands |
| dump : | | dump |
| dump: | | Calling Functions |
E | | |
| eBPF: | | Endian built-ins |
| editor: | | editor command |
| ELF: | | Offset Units |
| ELF: | | Field Constraints |
| ELF: | | Endian built-ins |
| end of file: | | Array maps bounded by number of elements |
| end of file: | | Exceptions |
| end of file: | | try-until |
| endianness: | | Big and Little Endians |
| endianness: | | Endianness |
| endianness: | | set endian |
| errors: | | Evaluation |
| escape sequence: | | From Bytes to Characters |
| escape sequence: | | Characters |
| exceptions: | | String Indexing |
| exceptions: | | Array Indexing |
| exceptions: | | Exception Handling |
| exclusive OR: | | Bitwise Operators |
| executing command files: | | source command |
| exit : | | exit command |
| expressions: | | Evaluation |
| extract : | | extract |
F | | |
| fields, anonymous: | | Struct Types |
| file name: | | __LINE__ and __FILE__ |
| flags: | | Commands and Dot-Commands |
| flow control: | | Loops |
| flush : | | flush |
| for : | | for |
| for-in : | | for-in |
| form feed: | | Vertical separator |
| formatted output: | | printf |
| fun : | | Function Declarations |
| function types: | | Function Types |
| functions: | | Functions |
G | | |
| gettimeofday : | | Dates and Times |
| get_ios : | | get_ios |
| gibibits: | | Standard Units |
| gibibytes: | | Standard Units |
| gigabits: | | Standard Units |
| gigabytes: | | Standard Units |
| global settings: | | set command |
H | | |
| hexadecimal: | | Integer Literals |
| hexadecimal: | | printf |
| history, session history: | | The REPL |
I | | |
| inclusive OR: | | Bitwise Operators |
| indexing, into arrays: | | Array Indexing |
| indexing, into strings: | | String Indexing |
| initialization file: | | Dumping File Contents |
| integer literals: | | Integer Literals |
| integer literals: | | Integer Literals |
| integers: | | Integers |
| integral structs: | | Integral Structs |
| integral types: | | Standard Integral Types |
| invoking: | | Invoking poke |
| IO devices: | | Unaligned Integers |
| IO space: | | file command |
| IO space: | | mem command |
| IO space: | | nbd command |
| IO space: | | close command |
| IO space: | | info command |
| IO space: | | IO Spaces |
| IO space: | | open |
| IO spaces: | | Unaligned Integers |
| ioflags : | | ioflags |
| iosize : | | iosize |
| isa operator: | | The isa Operator |
K | | |
| kibibits: | | Standard Units |
| kibibytes: | | Standard Units |
| kilobits: | | Offset Types |
| kilobits: | | Offset Operations |
| kilobits: | | Standard Units |
| kilobytes: | | Offset Literals |
| kilobytes: | | Standard Units |
L | | |
| Latin-1: | | Character Sets |
| license, GNU Free Documentation License: | | GNU Free Documentation License |
| line number: | | __LINE__ and __FILE__ |
| little endian: | | Big and Little Endians |
| load : | | Modules |
| load path: | | Load Path |
| loading files: | | Pickles |
| location: | | __LINE__ and __FILE__ |
| loops: | | Loops |
| ltos : | | ltos |
| ltrim : | | ltrim |
M | | |
| magnitude: | | Offset Literals |
| magnitude: | | Offset Units |
| magnitude: | | Casting Offsets |
| mapped values: | | Modifying SBM Images |
| mapping: | | Mapping |
| mapping: | | The Map Operator |
| matrices: | | Array Literals |
| mebibits: | | Standard Units |
| mebibytes: | | Standard Units |
| megabits: | | Standard Units |
| megabytes: | | Standard Units |
| minus: | | Arithmetic Operators |
| modules: | | Modules |
| modulus: | | Offset Operations |
| MP3: | | MP3 |
| multiplication: | | Offset Operations |
N | | |
| negation: | | Boolean Operators |
| negative encoding: | | Negative Integers |
O | | |
| octal: | | Integer Literals |
| octal: | | printf |
| offset: | | Offsets |
| OFFSET: | | The OFFSET variable |
| offset algebra: | | Offset Operations |
| offset types: | | Standard Offset Types |
| one complement: | | Negative Integers |
| opening files: | | file command |
| opening files: | | open |
| opening memory buffers: | | mem command |
| opening NBD buffers: | | nbd command |
| openproc : | | openproc |
| opensub : | | opensub |
| OR: | | Bitwise Operators |
| output: | | print |
P | | |
| padding: | | Padding and Alignment |
| pickle: | | Nomenclature |
| pinned structs: | | Pinned Structs |
| poke: | | Nomenclature |
| Poke: | | Nomenclature |
| polymorphism: | | The any Type |
| POSIX_Time32 : | | Dates and Times |
| print : | | print |
| printf : | | printf |
| profiler: | | .vm profile |
| ptime : | | Dates and Times |
| ptime : | | Dates and Times |
Q | | |
| qsort : | | qsort |
| quick sort: | | qsort |
| quit : | | quit command |
| quitting: | | exit command |
| quitting: | | quit command |
R | | |
| rabbit herd: | | Offsets and Sizes |
| raise : | | raise |
| readline: | | The REPL |
| REPL: | | The REPL |
| reverse : | | reverse |
| rtrim : | | rtrim |
S | | |
| save : | | save |
| scrabble : | | scrabble |
| scripts: | | Scripts |
| separator, digits separator: | | Integer Literals |
| set_ios : | | set_ios |
| shebang, #! : | | Scripts |
| shifting: | | Bitwise Operators |
| side effects: | | Expression Statements |
| sign promotion: | | Arithmetic Operators |
| signedness: | | Integer Literals |
| signedness: | | Casting Integers |
| signedness: | | Arithmetic Operators |
| signedness: | | Integer Attributes |
| size of variables: | | Integer Literals |
| sorting: | | Sorting Functions |
| statements: | | Evaluation |
| statements, compound statements: | | Compound Statements |
| stoca : | | stoca |
| strchr : | | strchr |
| string functions: | | String Functions |
| strings: | | Strings |
| strings, formatting: | | String Formatting |
| struct fields: | | Optional Fields |
| structs: | | Structs |
| styled output: | | Invoking poke |
| styled output: | | Styling |
| styled output: | | printf |
| subtraction: | | Offset Operations |
T | | |
| tags, file ID tags: | | file command |
| tags, file ID tags: | | mem command |
| tags, file ID tags: | | nbd command |
| tags, file ID tags: | | ios command |
| tags, format tags: | | printf |
| ternary conditional operator: | | Conditional Expression |
| text files: | | Binary Files |
| time: | | Dates and Times |
| Timespec : | | Dates and Times |
| tracing: | | __LINE__ and __FILE__ |
| truncation: | | Poking a SBM Image |
| try-catch : | | try-catch |
| try-until : | | try-until |
| two complement: | | Negative Integers |
| type: | | Defining Types |
| type : | | type |
| types: | | Types |
| types, function types: | | Function Types |
| types, integral types: | | Standard Integral Types |
| types, offset types: | | Standard Offset Types |
U | | |
| unbounded arrays: | | Array Types |
| Unicode: | | Character Sets |
| unions: | | Unions |
| united values: | | Offsets |
| units: | | Standard Units |
| unmap: | | Unmapping |
| utf-8: | | Character Sets |
V | | |
| variables: | | info command |
| variadic functions: | | Variadic Functions |
| virtual machine: | | vm command |
W | | |
| while : | | while |
| whitespace, trimming: | | ltrim |
| whitespace, trimming: | | rtrim |