Representation Language


A construct in the strict language, which consists in a production tree leading to a terminal production consisting in a sequence of symbols such as 'bold begin symbol' 'skip symbol' 'bold end symbol', must be represented somehow so it can be read by either a human interpreter or some mechanical interpreter such as a computer program. A representation language assigns some particular representation to each symbol.

It is thus possible to represent programs in the Algol 68 strict language in different ways, tailored to different purposes. A publication language will likely use rich text, fonts and/or graphical features in order to represent symbols such as 'bold begin symbol', 'bold letter a symbol' or 'brief case symbol'. A programming language to be used by programmers and text processing programs would typically use some stropping regime, resulting for example in BEGIN SKIP END. Finally, a hardware language could use a compact binary representation to ease the storage, transmission and automatic processing of the programs.

The Revised Report suggests and uses a particular representation language, which is the reference language. Implementations are encouraged to use representations that are reasonably closed to the reference language whenever possible.

See Also